We are on a mission to help you get your driver’s license.

Welcome to Drive Wise Driving School, where we pave the way for your journey to driving excellence.

Established with a passion for road safety and a commitment to empowering learners, we are a beacon of quality education in driving schools.

We understand that each learner has a unique path, and our automatic lessons are crafted to cater to diverse needs.

We offer lessons for the test centres in Morden, Tolworth & Mitcham.

Our experienced instructors work closely with you to identify areas that need improvement, ensuring that every lesson is a step towards mastering the skills required to pass your test!

Whether you are a student, a working professional, or managing a busy family schedule, we provide convenient lesson times and locations to fit YOUR needs.

Email: info@drive-wise.co.uk

Phone: +44 7877 421232